Hôtel-restaurant Darracq Le Commerce
Besides the forests of pine and sand dunes along the coast, we also have endless fields of maize, and the nickname for the locals is corn-nibblers!
This is no coincidence - it is used to feed animals raised in the open air on local farms, such as duck, the poulet fermier of St Sever and the Bœuf de Chalosse.
Today, the hillsides of Chalosse and Tursan also take on the colours of new and innovative crops that embellish and enrich the earth. Vines, rapeseed, wheat, sunflower, kiwi fruit all grow on the banks of the Adour, bringing life and vibrancy to our landscapes according to the seasons.
Here in Chalosse, agricultural fields are of a relatively small size because of the hilly terrain; In summer this creates a wonderful patchwork, coloured from the crowns of the and the green of the corn, the flamboyant yellow of the sunflower and the blue of the sky.
No traffic jams and no traffic lights!
No stress! You may be slowed down by a tractor or a combine harvester but it only gives you more time to appreciate the beautiful landscapes.
Buying top quality produce and eating well, a privilege that you are invited to share with us.
As you drive along our country roads, you will be invited to stop by the local farmers, who will be delighted to invite you in and share the passion of their profession with you.
Proud of their know-how, often passed down from generation to generation, they will take the time to explain how they work with the utmost respect for nature, the land, their animals and all the ancestral traditions.
Whether they are breeders of ducks for foie gras, chickens, Chalosse beef, goats, market gardeners, beekeepers, arboriculturists... all will be keen to offer you the best of their work, directly from their family farms.
Apart from the Bœuf de Chalosse (the famous local beef), which you will find in all the best butchers shops, a variety of local products are accessible directly from the producers themselves. From village to village, at the sight of signs such as "Foie Gras" or "Miel" (honey), don't hesitate to drop in - you will be warmly welcomed with a guided tour followed by a tasting.
Vines nestled on the limestone slopes of the Tursan and Chalosse hills, are the origin of Tursan and IGP Coteaux de Chalosse wines. They are simple, fruity and young. All three colours are best tasted cooled. The best place to discover and taste the Landais vineyards is the bastide of Geaune or Mugron, accompanied by our independent producers.
To really understand local produce take the "Chemin des Vignes" wine route which you can walk, ride or drive, meeting the vine growers and other local producers. A simple way to share the spirit of the Landes...
You'll also have the opportunity to meet and taste local farm products at the Summer Country Producers' Markets.
Your taste buds will be awakened by talented local craftsmen chocolatiers and pastry chefs. Traditional gourmet pastis and landaise "toureries," - unmissable desserts to taste during your stay in Landes Chalosse.
At these markets, you are guaranteed to be eating and drinking purely local produce of exceptionally high, quality learning about their production as you try them.
When you go home you'll be full of information to share with your friends!
Sitting down around a lively table is a treat in its own right.
Sables asparagus, Chalosse beef, farmhouse duck, farm poultry, Adour kiwi fruit, Landes Armagnac, Tursan wines, Floc de Gascogne all with the unmatchable label of the LANDES! These products are all recognized and labeled "Qualité Landes"and feature in the work of famous Chefs like Michel Guérard, 3 stars in the Michelin guide for his restaurant Les Prés d'Eugénie You absolutely must eat there if you possibly can!
The best thing about Landes Chalosse food is that it's a s easy to find a Michelin starred chef as a hearty auberge meal - and you're never disappointed by the size of our portions!
Sitting down to eat at a Chalossais table is to enter into the spirit of this country and to taste unreservedly the pleasure of life. In the many restaurants combining traditional and modern cuisine, you can enjoy a genuinely authentic dish for a great price
Make sure you try an Assiette de Pays® restaurant while you're here - it's our invitation to help you discover the cooking of the Landes.
Always accompanied by a glass of wine or another local drink, these dishes give pride of place to traditional salty and sweet recipes.
It guarantees that the restaurant owner has chosen to value the work of local producers and to share their produce with you.
Food and cooking are so omnipresent in the Landes that many events revolve around the art of the table: Foie Gras in Mugron in July, harvest festival in Montfort-en-Chalosse in October, the Festivolailles in Saint-Sever in November and many more.
The Landes Chalosse is above all a place for awakening the taste buds whether during a visit to a farm, a markets, a cooking workshop or a gourmet stopover in the autumn.
Food in the Landes is a unique experience, to be enjoy without moderation!